She's got the ABC's down. It's been a challenge to get it on camera, but here's the best we have so far. Taken about a month ago.....
Sunday, 16 December 2012
Saturday, 15 December 2012
getting ready
I just got back from the mall. It was my first real Christmas Shopping outing. Holy Smokes.
....... driving through town on the way there I was thinking to myself, "wow, this might not be so bad. there aren't many cars on the road.... maybe the cold weather is keeping everyone inside." I quickly discovered that nobody was on the roads because the entire population of GMA was in Champlain Mall!
I'm always amazed at the number of little kids I see out in public.... way past their bedtime. No judgement.... but... really?
Anyway, back to the story. I was on a mission to shop for three very important people and it was a success!! I spent a full hour in one store. For the first five minutes I was worried because nobody acknowledged my existence or bothered to offer any help. My thoughts went back to the first time I was in that store (it's new, so it wasn't long ago) I was treated the same way. Maybe I'm not glamorous enough or they don't think I'm there to spend money... so they let me wander around feeling like I'm invisible. The mall was busy but this particular store had about 10 people and 10 associates.
So... the point is I'm finally starting to get ready for Christmas. We got our tree last weekend so the house feels festive. I finally got the exterior of the house decorated. Ruby is having fun with all the Christmas music, crafts, decorations..... she's 'getting it' this year and I can't wait to see her face on Christmas morning. In fact, Santa Claus payed the kids a visit at the Y last Friday. She got a candy-cane from Santa and he said "ho, ho, ho" and he was very big! Leo is growing every day and I expect him to be walking by Christmas day. (no, just kidding!! he's rolling over and trying to pull his knees up.... so it's a safe bet that he'll be lying on his stomach a lot this Christmas!). Things are coming together. This time next week it'll be all over and we'll be looking forward to New Year's Eve. We have no idea what we're doing yet but that's ok. I'm not worried. Life is good. We're all safe and alive, so we have a lot to be thankful for.
The tragedy that took place in Connecticut yesterday hit me hard. I can't imagine what those family's are going through right now. If something like that ever happened to one of my kids I honestly don't know if I would survive.
We're lucky to be alive.
Saturday, 1 December 2012
the ever elusive sleep
That's Leo. Or, as Ruby would say, "dat yeeow".
He's changing every day and this morning he rolled over all by himself. He also (get ready for this) fell asleep at nap time all by himself! I put him in his crib as the books say, "drowsy, but not asleep" and within a few minutes he was spread eagle sawing z's like a pro. I'm almost positive that it won't happen again tomorrow, but I'm hopeful that we're on the right track and he'll get better over the next few months.
Anyway, since my last post his nighttime sleep habits are getting better too. I was pushed to the breaking point and started 'sleep training'. He's actually done miraculously well. So much better than I ever expected. He's a good student. :) Fingers crossed for restful nights by.... perhaps Christmas.
Anyway, since my last post his nighttime sleep habits are getting better too. I was pushed to the breaking point and started 'sleep training'. He's actually done miraculously well. So much better than I ever expected. He's a good student. :) Fingers crossed for restful nights by.... perhaps Christmas.
Here are our little monkeys.
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Ruby LOVES Leo. |
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Leo LOVES Ruby. |
Happy sleeping everyone!
Wednesday, 28 November 2012
double edged sword
As I write this I'm in a daze. I'm in a hazy fog of days blurred together by Ryan and I crossing paths for a few minutes each morning, handing off duties, and him rushing out the door for work.
You can see from the huge gap between posts that I'm finding it difficult to write. We're smack dab in the middle of baby sleep hell. Point being, Leo's initial 'good sleep' habits have gone down hill drastically. I'de say we went from pretty good in the beginning, to bad, to terrible and now we're at an all time low. I won't go into details but... "seriously Leo?"
I will forgive him the past 10 days as he's had a runny nose and congestion which I'm sure is causing his hourly wakings, but the previous two months is purely his inability to get himself back to sleep after waking up with gas or whatever. According to all the sleep experts, we've done the forbidden and now Leo relies on a soother to find peace in slumber.
I still stand by my belief that a soother isn't all that bad, if used for soothing. What I realize now is that 'soothing' is quite different from 'putting your kid to sleep'. It's a double edged sword. But, desperate times call for desperate measures..... so we stuck the sword in again and again.... hoping for a few more hours of sleep......
.... we're still looking for that sleep..... and hopefully we'll find it soon.
On a more positive note, there have been a lot of good times around here too. Check it out:
You can see from the huge gap between posts that I'm finding it difficult to write. We're smack dab in the middle of baby sleep hell. Point being, Leo's initial 'good sleep' habits have gone down hill drastically. I'de say we went from pretty good in the beginning, to bad, to terrible and now we're at an all time low. I won't go into details but... "seriously Leo?"
I will forgive him the past 10 days as he's had a runny nose and congestion which I'm sure is causing his hourly wakings, but the previous two months is purely his inability to get himself back to sleep after waking up with gas or whatever. According to all the sleep experts, we've done the forbidden and now Leo relies on a soother to find peace in slumber.
I still stand by my belief that a soother isn't all that bad, if used for soothing. What I realize now is that 'soothing' is quite different from 'putting your kid to sleep'. It's a double edged sword. But, desperate times call for desperate measures..... so we stuck the sword in again and again.... hoping for a few more hours of sleep......
.... we're still looking for that sleep..... and hopefully we'll find it soon.
On a more positive note, there have been a lot of good times around here too. Check it out:
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Leo's first meal. |
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Ruby got in on the action too. |
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He's learning to read! |
So, despite the lack of blogs, the lack of sleep and the lack of fresh air..... the Grants are still having fun. There's no lack of love. :)
Friday, 9 November 2012
manners and negotiations, please
For the past several weeks, we've been working on Ruby's manners. She had (still has I'm sure) a very bold way of expressing what she wanted. Simply put, she'd say, "I want _____ ". "I want more milk!", "I want some oranges!", "I want to read a story!", "I want more stories!". With every demand came a "how do you ask for that nicely?".
This morning at breakfast she looked at me and said sweetly, "can I have some yogurt please mommy?". It was magical.
This is a conversation from later on during that same meal:
Ruby: "I wanna watch Olivia!"
Me: "How do you ask for that nicely?"
Ruby: "Can I watch Olivia please mommy?"
Me: "No honey, we're going to get dressed and go to the Superstore."
Ruby: "How about just one Olivia, mommy?"
And....... this is breaking news. I just got back from her bedroom after putting her down about 15 minutes ago. Before I left she wanted more stories, oatmeal, cheerios...... all the tricks to get out of going to bed. Then I hear her whining up there so after a few minutes I go up. She gets up on her knees and says to me: "How about one more story please mommy?"
I guess all our hard work is paying off. She's becoming quite a polite little negotiator.
Maybe she'll be a lawyer.
Good night Ruby!
Nice try but I'm not going back up there.....
Love Mommy.
This was taken a few weeks ago.
Watching TV.
Sunday, 4 November 2012
I'm a few days late with the Halloween pictures, but life is a little hectic these days. Sometimes I honestly think I'm crazy for going along with the tedious job of selling our house. It's been on the market now for three whole months. I think we've had about 20 viewings which means we've cleaned the house that many times, loaded up the van with all of the lose ends, packed up the kids and headed out with our hearts on a string...... It's a pain in the butt, BUT we're still going for it. This will be the last month and if nothing happens we're ready to throw in the towel and be content where we are. Fingers crossed.
As we drive away before a viewing I always say, 'Good luck house". Ruby echoes the sentiment and has even started wishing the house good luck randomly on her own sometimes. It's pretty cute.
So... back to Halloween....
Hurricane Sandy blew by early in the day on Halloween leaving us with a pretty mild afternoon and perfect evening for Trick or Treating. We actually went trick or treating this year and Ruby had fun. It was so nice to see her discovering what Halloween is all about. When we got home she helped Ryan hand out treats to the big kids while I got Leo to sleep.
Look how old Leo looks! He's 4 months old. I can't believe how fast time is flying. It seems to be going faster this time around. Possibly because I'm super busy with two kids and possibly because I'm super tired. I couldn't remember how to spell the word "pretty" the other day. I had to use a thesaurus to search for a synonym of 'beautiful'. My brain is mush. But, this too shall end. Before too long it'll all be a blur. I'll be enjoying 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep again.... someday....
Until then, these cuties keep me going. :)
Wednesday, 24 October 2012
OK... Leo needs his turn in the spotlight so this post is all about him.
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Definitely the World's cutest Little Brother. |
He's as cute as a button and getting better looking each day. I don't think I've ever met a more mellow baby. He was definitely born with a good attitude. We made an impromptu trip to Pizza Delight tonight for supper and Leo was super cool until the very last minute. (the service was slow as molasses so technically we should have been home by that time.... anyway.... can you get good service these days??)
Leo officially turned 4 months today. He weighs 15 pounds!
Strike a pose. |
My super cool little dude. |
He started rolling over last week (from his stomach to his back). He's pretty good at holding his head up and actually seems relaxed when he's on his belly. He does this super cute thing with his mouth (see Mr. Cool with the hat). The dimples are going to be chick magnets, I'm sure.
Oh Leo.... we love you.
Saturday, 20 October 2012
potty training: take one
Mission failed.
So for the time being, we have a lot of potty paraphernalia lying around collecting dust.
Wonder what tomorrow will bring?
Until then....
I thought she was ready. I thought I was ready. It was more challenging than anticipated.
So for the time being, we have a lot of potty paraphernalia lying around collecting dust.
Oh well. I've learned to pick my battles and this is NOT one that I'm able to handle right now.
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Testing out Mommy's potty. |
This is Leo today. Happy covered in toys (thrown on him by Ruby) and wearing a girl bib.
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Daddy's Little Girl. |
Wonder what tomorrow will bring?
Until then....
Tuesday, 16 October 2012
some things get better with age
I took Ruby to the YMCA this morning. They have a wonderful child-minding class where parents drop off their kids for only $3 per hour while they work out. She was there about a year ago too, but our success rate wasn't very high. The very first time she went I was amazed... she didn't know I was gone and didn't acknowledge me when I came back. At the time she was just under one. Basically, they only accept kids that can walk and I was anxious to get back to the gym so as soon as she was standing by herself (and walking a little bit) we were there. As I said, our success rate wasn't great and every other time after that first lucky day started in tears and a broken heart for me. How could I enjoy my workout when I knew Ruby was crying in a room full of snotty strangers? (yes - today, as like last year, the very first kid I laid eyes on had green snot oozing out of her nose and down to her mouth. It was so gross, but I'm determined to let it slide because I need this. enough said.)
Today, she was excited all the way there and walked right in and looked around. Her back was to me so I snuck out quietly (that's a lesson I learned last year - get out while the gettin's good!) When I returned an hour later, Ruby was standing at a table sharing her fish crackers with a little girl named Reece, playing cars and dancing to the music. She quickly held up the craft she made. You could tell she was so proud. It was hard to catch her for a photo opp when we got home, but here it is:
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Bat on a stick. |
So, in the end, I'm glad I decided to wait a year until she was ready for YMCA daycare. We both had a great time today and look forward to going back tomorrow! The year away was good for Ruby but quite the opposite for me. If I intend to get better with age I'll need to hit the gym a lot more than I have these past several months. It felt so good to be running without a stroller. It felt even better to sit in silence and stretch for 15 whole minutes. And, it was absolutely wonderful to have 1 entire hour all by myself. I didn't say a word to anyone and nobody pooped (as far as I know!)
YMCA!!! Thank you!!
(I hope Ruby doesn't get sick. Fingers crossed).
(I didn't talk to anyone but I did smile. I'm nice.)
(I hope Ruby doesn't get sick. Fingers crossed).
(I didn't talk to anyone but I did smile. I'm nice.)
Wednesday, 10 October 2012
yes, we are thankful
We're getting pretty used to holidays being busy around here and this Thanksgiving weekend was no exception. It started out with a hiking trip vacation for Daddy, then a camp fire and two turkey dinners.
We're definitely lucky to have so much family around and as usual, we had loads of fun. Here's proof.
Saturday night:
On Monday we headed to Lower Coverdale where we enjoyed some time outdoors and dinner with the Ginn crew. Uncle Matt is in town and thought we all wish he could stay longer, I'm glad he got to meet Leo and spend some time with Ruby.
So... another year has come and gone and here's a list of things I'm thankful for:
- a patient husband who loves me even though he's often last in line to receive my love in return.
- two healthy children.
- three sets of loving grandparents for my kids.
- helpful aunts, uncles and cousins who share their time and lives with us.
- close friends to talk to about life's struggles and share life's pleasures with.
- sunny days.
- sleep ins.
I'm a very lucky lady.
Thank you all for being part of this journey called life.
We're definitely lucky to have so much family around and as usual, we had loads of fun. Here's proof.
Saturday night:
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The Grants! Leo's first Thanks Giving and first fire! |
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Ruby and Uncle Matt clowning around. |
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Ruby clowning around all on her own. |
Uncle Trevor played the wooden flute (sorry I do not know the proper name for this beautiful instrument) and Ruby was over the moon with excitement! She clapped, screamed "again, again", and smiled from ear to ear as he played several beautiful songs for us.
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Uncle Trevor and his flute. |
We're all so happy to have Uncle Trevor and Auntie Sammie back on the East Coast. We look forward to celebrating many more holidays with them and having them here to see our kids grow up. Family really is what life is all about. You get a more solid understanding for that when you actually have kids and ours are so lucky to have aunts and uncles literally all over them!
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Our Sackville Family. |
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The Ginn's. |
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Ruby and her beautiful smile! |
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Uncle Matt and Leo. They really do look a lot alike. |
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Ruby. :) |
- a patient husband who loves me even though he's often last in line to receive my love in return.
- two healthy children.
- three sets of loving grandparents for my kids.
- helpful aunts, uncles and cousins who share their time and lives with us.
- close friends to talk to about life's struggles and share life's pleasures with.
- sunny days.
- sleep ins.
I'm a very lucky lady.
Thank you all for being part of this journey called life.
Tuesday, 25 September 2012
our baby girl is two
We celebrated Ruby's second birthday on Sunday.
I can hardly believe two whole years have gone by since she came along and changed my life forever.
If I could write her a letter today that she would understand, it would go something like this.......
The Birthday Girl. |
I can hardly believe two whole years have gone by since she came along and changed my life forever.
If I could write her a letter today that she would understand, it would go something like this.......
Dear Ruby,
You're a very special girl. You capture the hearts of everyone you meet because you're sweet, even at the age of two. Your hugs and kisses melt me. You're pretty and funny and silly and smart. You're the whole package and I love you more than you will ever know.
Without asking you if it was ok, your daddy and I went ahead and had another baby this year. You've been such a good sport with regards to Leo coming into our lives and literally taking over the house. I'm sorry for the times when I can't 'carry you' when you want me to. And, I'm sorry for all the missed baths, walks, meals, play time and bedtime stories. Trust me, this hurts me more than it hurts you. My heart broke into a million pieces during the first few weeks Leo was here because I missed being your best buddy. I promise to make up for lost time some day. I'm sorry if you were forced into being a big girl because of Leo, even though you are still very much a baby yourself. You're doing great though, and it's no surprise that you love Leo unconditionally already. You greet him every morning with a hug and some sweet Ruby love. You're a great big sister and he's lucky to have you.
By the time your third birthday rolls around, Leo will be older and a lot more fun. Thank you for being patient. Most of all, thank you Ruby for making life so special. I'm one lucky lady.
Love, Mom ox
Here are a few shots from her party. As you can see, she wasn't at all excited about the presents.
Love, Mom ox
Here are a few shots from her party. As you can see, she wasn't at all excited about the presents.
Friday, 21 September 2012
more stuff
Today at lunch Ruby was a bit hesitant to eat. I asked her if she wanted her teddy bear to sit at the table with her to have lunch. She said OK, so up he went on the table. Here's the conversation that ensued:
Me: "Is teddy bear a boy or a girl?"
Ruby: "He a girl."
Me: "He's a boy!"
Ruby: "No, he a teddy bear mommy."
The end.
Me: "Is teddy bear a boy or a girl?"
Ruby: "He a girl."
Me: "He's a boy!"
Ruby: "No, he a teddy bear mommy."
The end.
Tuesday, 18 September 2012
family + vacation = fun!
Summer vacation #1. The Grant family on the beach. |
Ruby was a trooper the whole time and proved to be a very good cottage-sleeper. We prepped her in advance with talk about going to the cottage and going to the beach and sleeping in her big-girl bed for the very first time. Miss Ruby did not disappoint. I don't think the smile came off her face for two seconds the entire time we were there. (not even when the construction on the bridge held us up and it took over an hour to get from NB to PEI..... she must have said, "I'm going to the beach" about seven hundred times ...)
In the van leaving Moncton. |
Taken minutes after arriving - this beautiful smile didn't fade all weekend. |
The trip was pretty special in a few ways.....
One - it was our very first family vacation as a foursome. We tried a camping trip with Ruby last summer but the weather didn't cooperate so it was cut short. This time around the weather was perfect. Crisp, sunny autumn weather. Still warm enough to allow for a trip to the beach (no swimming) but cool enough to spread some dew on the grass and require a sweater in the evenings. The only thing I would change is leaving earlier in the day on Friday to make the weekend a little bit longer. Next time we'll plan to leave in the morning rather than at noon.
Leo the Beach Bum. |
Third - Uncle Trevor Grant was there too!! Ryan's brother, Trevor and his girlfriend Samantha just moved to PEI from BC and also rented a cottage for one night. We had so much fun. I think it was special for the Grant boys on many levels, including little Leo. Although he slept through most of it, I think he felt like part of the gang - and what a gang it is! All that was missing was Robert and Trisha. Maybe someday we'll be lucky enough to have a family reunion. That shouldn't be too hard to plan.... hey?
In the mean time, we certainly are looking forward to many more Grant family vacations!
The Grants on vacation. |
Monday, 10 September 2012
the cute (and pretty awesome) stuff Ruby says
Miss Ruby is growing up! I can't believe she'll be TWO in less than two weeks! I measured her height against the door jam this morning and she's grown about 4 inches in the past six months. What's really amazing is how quickly her vocabulary is growing too. It's pretty obvious that she has insanely intelligent parents... probably gets most of her smarts from her mommy. :)
One year ago, she was just learning how to walk! |
Seriously, she's been talking well since she was 18 months old and lately she says something new and amazing every day. You can tell she's absorbing everything that she sees and hears going on around her.
I wish I had started writing this down much earlier but better late than never, right?
After supper we were driving in the van and Ruby announces from the back seat, "mommy, the clouds are moving!! the clouds are moving, mommy!!" Low and behold, I looked out my window and the clouds were moving, quite fast, actually.
Ryan came home for lunch today and as he was leaving he gave her a hug and kiss and Ruby says,
"I love you too, daddy".
Out of the blue last week, she bent down in front of Leo in his chair and got really close to him and said, "Hi Leo. What you doing down there?" Now she says it several times every day. We all do.
At breakfast this morning, a few pedals fell off the flower bouquet and Ruby said, "uh-oh. mommy will clean it up."
We watched Barney for the first time a few weeks ago and I caught her singing to herself later that afternoon, very quietly..... "I love you. I love me."
From now on I'm going to post all the cute and awesome stuff she says. We have to preserve the moments on here because I don't want to forget.
Wednesday, 5 September 2012
ok... so let's move on already!!
Well Ruby's been better now for several days so I had better get that sad picture off the headline!!
Here are some happier moments we've had lately.
Here are some happier moments we've had lately.
As you can see, she's feeling much better. Ruby definitely has a personality. She's funny and jokes around with us. What she's saying in the second video is "big bite" but she's exaggerating the syllables... making it "bigga bite-a"! She made this up all by herself and gets quite a kick out of it. Meal times are loads of fun!
Leo's growing up as well and is developing his own little personality. All you have to do is look at him with a smile and he lights up. It's so sweet.
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Cheese! |
Miss personality herself. |
This is the first time in his life that he had to wear a sweater. It was so hot this summer that he was mostly in bare arms, or nothing at all. |
My little hoodlums. |
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A slice of handsome anyone? |
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My beautiful baby girl.... growing up before my eyes. |
Life is pretty much status quo these days. Not much exciting news to report. It's raining today. The first real rain since.... May?? I'm content to stay inside today and .... try to get Leo to sleep. He's developing a habit of waking up after only 20 - 30 minutes during the day. He hasn't had a long nap in weeks and well.... I wish he would, let's put it that way. Ruby was the same way when she was his age. I think, unfortunately for me, insomnia runs in their genes. I've pretty much resigned to the fact that my napping days are over. It was good while it lasted.
Monday, 27 August 2012
the girl is back
Oh my. Ruby has been sick for almost a week but I'm happy to report that she woke up today with her signature personality in tact. I was beginning to get worried....
It all started last Tuesday at supper time when I picked her up and noticed she was basically on fire. She had a fever of 39 degrees and no appetite. We were at a BBQ the weekend before and the parents of another sick kid didn't realize he was sick..... with HFMD. (yuck..... hand foot and mouth disease. sounds terrible and it is!)
Her worst day was Wednesday (and I hope she doesn't get mad at me for this some day in the future), but here's a shot of poor Ruby feeling the worst she has ever felt in her short life.
no comment |
She was absolutely miserable and didn't know how to express it. It broke my heart to see her in so much agony. She had a fever and sores in her mouth that made it difficult to eat... (so she didn't ..... for days.... ). How would I have felt if she needed to be hospitalized or have an operation... or if she was injured? I hope I never have to find out.
It's become clear to me over the past few months that Ryan and I are so fortunate to have been blessed with two healthy children. So many parents have to face challenges that, thank goodness, we won't have to face. My heart goes out to moms and dads who have kids with special needs. It's hard enough being a parent to a 'normal' child. (forgive my ignorance .... I'm tired and can't think of a better word).
Anyway..... that's enough about that. I'm glad she's getting better. If you can believe it, she has never been sick before in her life. She had a fever once... that lasted for 24 hours, but that's the extent of it. I hope she doesn't get sick again for a long, long, long time. But... she's starting gymnastics in a few weeks so she'll be mingling with other kids.... It's bound to happen again and I can't stop it. I guess I better get used to being helpless with regards to my kids cuz I have a whole lotta years to get used to it.
I love you Ruby. I'm so glad you're back. :)
Tuesday, 21 August 2012
this is a big deal
A couple pretty awesome things have happened recently.
One - Leo took a soother.
Very first soother experience. Seems he likes it. |
The soother subject is a contentious one, I know... I was caught up in it when Ruby was a baby.
... are they good? are they bad? will it ruin her teeth? I was reluctant until the crying really started to take a toll....
The truth is - a soother soothes and that's a pretty good thing in my book. I'm not sure if it's pure luck or if we did something right, but Ruby has never had her soother outside of her bedroom. (there's also one in the car for emergencies). I think what gets people worked up over them is the fact that a lot of kids have the soother in their mouths during the day, when they would otherwise be talking and interacting. This I would consider to be problematic for my kids. Ruby still uses a soother for sleeping but she understands that it's just for sleep. When she wakes up in the morning and comes down to the kitchen, she actually takes her soothers and puts them up on the counter for me! At nap time, when I show her the soothers she knows it's time to go up to her room. Yes, I said soothers, plural. There are two. She's formed somewhat of a connection to her soothers and can't sleep with only one in her mouth. She also needs one in her hand. It's cute. Some kids get attached to blankies, teddies, or bunnies...... our Ruby is attached to her soothers.
The second awesome thing that happened just happened tonight! Leo took a bottle of milk. Yay! This spells FREEDOM (well... a tiny bit of flexibility anyway). I'm very pleased. Way to go Leo. He took it first try, no fighting it at all.... he drank the whole thing and went to sleep. What a good baby.
Tuesday, 14 August 2012
all smiles
It's amazing how fast things change with a newborn. Leo's 7 weeks old and to be honest, a lot of it has been a blur to me. I can't believe almost two whole months have passed. Two months?
I'm starting to see a pattern develop with regards to Leo's sleep and he's becoming more of a "little person" every day. He's much more alert during his waking hours and actually smiles when we make those stupid faces at him.
One of his first grins. So sweet. |
I was able to take him to the beach one evening last week. Much to my chagrin, I know it's much too hot to take him during the day. It's been such a long and hot summer that I've been anxious thinking it's almost over but really, we've still got several weeks to go. As he continues to develop and become more of a little person, hopefully we'll get out to enjoy more summer fun.
Here's Miss Ruby at the beach. She loves it!
Excitement personified. |
Thursday, 9 August 2012
good times
This summer has been one to remember, for various reasons. Obviously, it marks the arrival of our second child, Leo. Ruby is almost two and developing quite a character. She's quite a comedian and we're having a lot of fun with her these days. The weather has been completely and utterly beautiful. Hot, hot, hot. Sunny every single day. It's insane. I say this with mixed emotions because I am a sun worshiper at heart and I've been a bit land-locked this summer due to Leo being so young. Normally, I would be out and about, beaching it and just plain living it up in the sun, but these things just haven't been possible with a newborn in tow. We've been kinda stuck at home for the past 6 weeks and I think I'm going a wee bit crazy. Tonight marks the beginning of a new day. We were invited out for supper.
Everyone had a blast. We were a bit late snapping shots, but as you can see the kids were dancing up a storm. Leo was well-behaved and calm all night and Ryan and I got to enjoy some much needed adult conversation with our friends Aimee and Cody. (Thank goodness for them and their patience with late guests).
So, this marks the beginning of a new attitude - get out with the kids as much as possible. Staying home is boring, plain and simple. Summer is too short as it is...... we must suck up every single minute that's left. Bring it on! :)
What is she up to now? |
Ruby loves Kate. |
Hmm?? |
Oh.... uh? |
Little Elliott... flaunting his summer physique. |
The Grants.
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