Thursday, 31 May 2012

uncle trevor

Ryan's brother came to visit from Vancouver with his lovely girlfriend Samantha.  While we didn't get to spend loads of time with them (vacations are always way too busy!), we sure are happy they were able to meet Ruby.  I think they were both a little smitten with her, as she was with them.

Is there a resemblance?  

Playing with some awesome vintage toys!

Vancouver - the West Coast - the mountains....... sure is a long way away.  This country of ours is huge.   It's difficult when people you love are so far away.  Ryan and I both have brothers on the west coast that we miss and would love to see more often.  It's sad that they're missing out on seeing Ruby grow up.  And, it happened so naturally and gradually to the people who see us every day, but a major transition from mere sibling to 'parent' has taken place over the past couple years.  Ryan and I are different now, because we're parents.  I wonder how it looks to our siblings?  


Saturday, 26 May 2012

american idol

Among some my other more intellectual pursuits, I've become somewhat of an American Idol fan over the past couple seasons.  The other night when Phil Phillips won this year's title, I was overcome with emotion.  Ryan was already upstairs in bed.  He wasn't there to hand me the box of Kleenex so I just sat and sobbed all over myself.  

What got me was his parents.  I was thinking about how proud they must be of their son.  Why they named him Phillip Phillips is beyond me but I admire them for one thing - they raised a boy who obviously loves them.  Phillip left the stage mid-song to join his family in the audience for a long and tight hug.  It was beautiful.  

I hope that I've been able to make my own parents even half that proud on one or more occasion.  I know that I certainly gave them their share of grief over the years (and I'm truly very sorry guys) but I do know they love me.  They're wonderful parents and I'm lucky to have them.  I hope they realize just how much I love them too and am thankful for everything they do to for me and my growing family.  

I know that I'll be filled with pride on many occasions as Ruby and baby boy grow up.  As they find their way through life, I hope to be a compassionate and encouraging mom.  I promise to do my best.  Please hold me to it.  

Who wouldn't be proud of this?

Sunday, 20 May 2012

fencing and dining

As promised, here are some progress pics of the fence project.

Day one.  Three panels up.

Day Two.  Ruby is excited to start sweeping the living room.  

She also helped carry a few pieces of gravel from one hole to another. 

Everyone's in on the action.
Daddy's inspecting.

Later on, Ruby and I went out for a delicious BBQ at the Jorgensen's.  It was our first BBQ of the season and truly yummy-licious!  You know what's neat?  Ruby and Elliott have known each other for their entire lives.  Cool.  
Two crazy bambinos.

Three Amigos. 
Ryan stayed home to work on the fence with Norbert and Roy.  It's coming along nicely and everyone is hopeful that it'll be finished by tomorrow!  Fingers crossed!  

Friday, 18 May 2012

summer IS coming

For a while there I was doubtful that summer would happen but after waking up to sunshine that lasted the entire day and spending most of my wakeful hours outdoors, I'm confident that spring is indeed drifting into summer.  The leaves are almost in full bloom on the trees, which is earlier than normal and spells one very messy 'fluff fest' for our household.  Yes - the three ginormous poplar trees beside our house are going to start shedding very soon.  Stay tuned for updates on that fiasco.  

Back to summer -  Ruby and I started the day by going for a walk around Jones Lake.  I've been really worried that her resistance to being restrained would be a big problem once the baby comes.  I haven't been able to enjoy taking her for walks in the stroller since she learned to walk, which was 9 months ago! As soon as I strapped her in, she would fuss and basically make both of us miserable, so I gave up.  Today was amazing.  She was relaxed and seemed to enjoy herself as much as I did.  This is good news because I have to get out there walking.  When Ruby was born, we walked every single morning until fall drifted into winter..... and I intend to do the same this time around with both of them.  And, for the next 6 weeks I intend to make it around that lake as many times as possible.  I may need to ask a stranger if I can use their washroom halfway around...... wouldn't that be hilarious?  No, I really hope that never happens (but it's a distinct possibility).  I'll just bring some t.p. with me in case of an emergency.  

Anyway, it was a lovely day and the long weekend is here.  The weather is supposed to be wonderful.  
We've still got some yard work to do and we're breaking ground tomorrow for our new fence!  
Pictures of all the activities are a priority.  

Happy Weekend!  

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

big splash

There's a lot of yard work to be done around here.  Ruby and I have been digging in the dirt and splashing in puddles outside the past couple of days.  She got pretty dirty today and looked incredibly cute.... dirty face, hands, clothes.  I didn't get any pictures but I did get tonight's big splash in the tub:


She's out of breath!

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

patience is a virtue

I often find myself marvelling at how we live in a world where things happen so fast.  Instant results.  Instant gratification.  The internet comes to mind first and foremost.  With the click of a mouse there are literally thousands of resources available at our fingertips.  I wonder sometimes if all this really is a good thing.... or if it's made us a little bit lazy and all but too demanding with a dash of entitlement on the side.

My kids will grow up in this type of world, but I want to try to keep some things simple, if at all possible.  I know we can't live in a bubble, but there are things I can do to teach patience and the value of a hard day's work.  Ironically, just yesterday I was wishing that I was 39 weeks rather than 32 weeks pregnant..... that Ruby's bangs would hurry up and grow..... that the fertilizer we put on our grass would turn it green overnight.

So, I'm officially going to make concerted efforts from now on to just let things be and be happy with the way things are.  As is.

It goes without saying - I'm happy with Miss Ruby.  She's perfect.  As is.

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

fairy garden

I have a secret.

We have a real fairy garden in our backyard.  It's about 2 feet long and is the home of three friendly fairies.  There's also a turtle, blue, green and white shiny rocks, some trees, a clothesline, a nice patch of grass and some dirt.

Ruby's quite enchanted with the fairy garden.  Especially the shiny rocks.  She likes the way the fairies squeak when she moves them around and around but the rocks are definitely getting the most attention.

I've heard that fairies are tricky creatures and are typically quite elusive.  With that said, we are very lucky to have a fairy garden right here in our backyard.

See your yourself:

Oh!  This was the first day she let me put her hair in a pony tail!  I think it's adorable.  She looks so grown up.  What a little lady.  I love her so much that sometimes I seriously think I might explode.

P.S.  Credit for the Fairy Garden goes to Nan Lynn.  Cheers!