Sunday, 29 July 2012

recap - paternity leave

Well, it wasn't all fun and games but the past four weeks with Ryan home on paternity leave has been very memorable!  

Here are some of the special moments:  

Just a few days old.
Trying to make French Toast.... but Ruby got to the bread first!

Warming up to her little brother.  

Pool time!
Making breakfast with Daddy.
Her first time holding Leo.

Play time.   

So, there it is.   After four long, hot weeks living as a domestic diva, Ryan heads back to work tomorrow.  I'm sure the feeling is mutual when I say that for both of us, the return is bitter sweet.  Having him here for the first month of Leo's life was truly a gift that we'll treasure forever, but, I don't think husband and wife are meant to live along side one another, day-in and day-out, 24-7..... especially when major changes and life events are occurring..... and especially when it's a balmy 30 degrees outside and in your house every day!  Don't get me wrong, it's been amazing.  But, in Ryan's own words, "I'm actually looking forward to work just to have some air conditioning.... and I'm getting on your nerves anyway."

I'm envious of the air conditioning but am actually looking forward to getting into somewhat of a routine with the kids..... we'll see how it goes!  One day at a time, I guess.  

p.s.  Thanks for your help EVERYONE.  

Thursday, 26 July 2012

me and my boy

Leo and I spend a lot of time together.  We're joined at the hip (but not the hip) for most of his waking hours... and part of his non-waking hours as well.  He's really coming to life these days.  He's definitely more alert and I swear he was smiling at me today.

We're all changing every day and getting used to being a foursome.

Stay tuned.  :)

Tuesday, 24 July 2012


I'm a little bit late with this post.  Truth is, I don't actually remember what day they were her.... I know today is Tuesday and they were here last week..... 

Ryan's sister Trisha and her kids were here from Ottawa for a very special visit.  Unfortunately, we don't see these cousins very often but it was obvious that there was a lot of love in the air as these kids hugged, read stories together and played for what could never have been a long enough visit.  

Auntie Trisha and Leo.
Their very first meeting and he fell asleep. 

Erin, Ethan, Ruby, Auntie Trisha and Leo.

Reading the Three Little Pigs.

Cousin Erin and Leo.

Erin and Ruby.
They hugged for a long time!  

Leo and Ethan.  
Some day we'll win the lottery and flying all over the country to see our family won't be a problem, but for now, we'll just treasure each and every moment we do get..... and take lots of pictures!  CHEESE!

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

day by day... by day

The days are blending into one another.  By the time we get everybody fed and dressed, teeth brushed, showered, fed and cleaned again.... diapers...... changed again..... it's time for lunch!  Makes it pretty difficult to keep appointments or have any kind of a plan really.  I look forward to getting onto a schedule someday but for now it's willy nilly.  So, I'll just go with that until one of the babies decides to throw us off, which is bound to happen at some point.  Soon?  Hm... no idea.  

Here's a random picture of Ruby that I love.  

She claimed both toys as they came in for Leo, which is fine by me.  He can't exactly appreciate them at the moment, can he?  

We're all still doing great.  Not sure who has darker circles under their eyes, me or Ryan.  Ruby's back onto a regular sleep schedule which is making everyone's life happier.  

Gotta go!

Sunday, 15 July 2012

three weeks and counting

Little Leo is three weeks old today.  It's amazing how much he's changed in such a little time.... from teeny tiny to regular baby size (whatever that is?).  He's now 9 lbs 3 oz and growing every minute.  It honestly seems as though every time he wakes up from a nap he's bigger.  The same is true for Ruby.  Picking her up is like lugging around a sack of potatoes.... she must be 30 lbs by now.  I actually throw her over my shoulder and lug her around.... like a sack of potatoes.    

We're definitely getting into our groove around the house.  Getting through these hot and muggy days while maintaining a sense of humour is important so we had ourselves a little dance party after breakfast this morning.  The soundtrack to "Boogy Nights" is one of my all time favourites and I hope that the kids will grow up to know every song word for word.  Good times.  

One of the biggest challenges I'm finding is the fact that about 80% of Leo's wakeful moments are spent nursing, which obviously means he's with yours truly and yours truly can't be focused on Ruby.  That's when I see a subtle hint of jealousy in her eyes.  Ryan's doing an amazing job keeping her busy and for those two, this month is going down in the record books as 'monumental'.  They're bonding in a way that hasn't been possible before with Ryan going to work every day.  He's got two weeks left and I really hope that the four of us can get out for some kind of "vacation" type adventure..... before this amazing summer weather decides to get lost.  (oh my god, it's been the most amazing summer.  I can't remember a better summer in all of my life. Oh well...... some day one of my kids will buy me a summer home on the beach to make up for  it... right? )

We're definitely not taking as many photos of Leo as we did of Ruby.  I guess we're just not taking as many photos period because both of us quite literally have our hands full most of the time.  From here on in I'm going to try harder to snap some of these shots before they pass us by.  
Here are some examples: 

Our little Super Man.  

Coming in for a kiss.  

Bath time.  

Little bother, Big sister.  

Friday, 6 July 2012

june 24, 2012

Introducing the newest member of our family - 
Leo Ryan Grant.

He arrived ten days early, at 2:46 a.m. 
on June 24th, weighing 7 lbs 6 oz.

We're now a family of four.  
A million dollar family, as they say.  
(Does anyone know when they send the money??)

Since coming home with Leo last Tuesday I've made several attempts at writing this blog but I just couldn't figure out where to start or what to say.  The whole experience is somewhat surreal.  There are so many emotions and feelings (and hormones!) to deal with.  Leo has been an amazing baby right from the start.  He's calm, cute and tiny..... red hair, blue eyes.  I don't believe for a second that the smiles on his face are a result of gas.  I want to believe that he's saying, "this smile is for you mommy.... I hope it makes you feel better since I caused you so much pain."  

Our little man, Leo.

To make a long story short, labour started at 8 p.m.  I went to the hospital at midnight.  I was literally begging for an epidural but the Dr. was held up with another patient so I was out of luck.  I delivered Leo with no drugs other than the placebo "laughing gas" they gave me near the end.  Right up until the very last minute I was in denial that I was going to have to do it without the epidural.  It was an insane experience that in retrospect, I'm glad to have had.  

It's nice to have Ryan home for this special (and hectic) time and hopefully, once the healing process is complete and I'm feeling a little more like myself, we'll be able to make some lasting first family memories before he has to go back to work at the end of July.  

Ruby wasn't sure what to think of her little brother at first but she's definitely coming around, greeting him in the morning with a sweet "hello baby" and frequently reaching out to touch and kiss his little head.  She's going to be a great big sister.  

Arriving home from the hospital.

Their first kiss.  

Little foot, bigger little foot.

We're all doing well.  Looking forward to everything this amazing journey has in store for us and feeling blessed to have made it out of the delivery room alive.  (no, just kidding..... feeling blessed to have a healthy, happy family to call my own).  

Life is good.  Indeed it is.