Thursday, 31 January 2013


I'm not quite sure what I was thinking.  

I had nothing planned and the idea of not cooking supper (and therefore no pots and pans to clean up) was definitely appealing at the time.  It's been a while (7 months to be exact) and I guess I had forgotten about the consequences so I threw caution into the wind.  I ate pizza.  Yes, pizza with cheese.  It tasted freakin' delicious.  

Things seemed fine and dandy until Leo woke up at 9 p.m.    He was crying.  

I couldn't console him so I had a plan - bring him into bed with me.  Ryan's away so it's the perfect situation.  At 10:30 p.m. he finally dozed off...... It was a magical moment and I think I actually drifted off to sleep with a smile on my face.  What an amazing feeling to sleep next to this little man.  I was so happy.  So in love.  

Things seemed fine and dandy until Leo woke up at 2:30 a.m.  He appeared to be puzzled at his whereabouts.  He's not used to nursing in bed so that was a colossal failure.  Things escalated from there and he went from sound asleep to fully awake about 3 times until I'd had enough.  I brought him downstairs to his own room.... 

At 4 a.m. I was back in bed. 

At 5 a.m. on the nose, Leo woke up again and thus was the beginning of another day.  I tried getting him back to sleep but he had other plans.  

Who could be upset with this face?  

P.S.  I hate, hate, hate pyjamas with snaps.  Zippers only!!!  No snaps!!!!!

Oh... and when Leo's done using me as a milk factory I'm going to throw myself a Fondue Party!   Every Saturday night until the end of time.  I'm also going to drink lots of milk and lattes.  Probably lattes mostly.  :)

Friday, 25 January 2013

moving right along...

Our little boy is on fire (developmentally speaking).  After noticing his first tooth the other day several more milestones were met this week.  

1.  He can sit up all by himself!  
2.  He can move forward by pulling himself along with his arms (and pushing with the feet).  
3.  He can clap his hands together on demand.  
4.  He can do the plank, quite well.  
5.  He weighed in at 19 pounds 10 oz. yesterday (fully clothed).

He seems to have a keen attraction to heating vents and makes his way to them like a magnet (or magg-anet, as Ruby would say).  


Sitting and clapping.

Speaking of Ruby'isms.... here are some of my favourites:

- Laun-der-y
- Magga-net
- Let's get all tucked in togetha.
- Aw Yeeow.  Isn't he so cute?  
- Mommy, I love you so much.
- oh... and this: 

Monday, 14 January 2013

once upon a very warm sunday in january....

I couldn't believe how warm it was out there yesterday!  We combined a chore (shovelling the deck) with fun (playing in the snow) and ended up having quite a lovely time.

So... here's what the Grant's got up to on a very warm day in January.  

Helping Daddy shovel the deck.

Just after the slide down the tiny hill.

Us three. 

Concentrating on.... getting up?  
And because Leo can't really be seen in that picture.... here's one of just him:

Could I be any cuter?? 

Thursday, 10 January 2013

good old fashioned entertainment

Ok... I didn't take a picture but I have a minute and really want to record this 'magical' moment. 

The scene:  I'm cooking supper.  It's 4:45 (aka happy hour... aka crazy hour).  Ruby and Leo have been entertaining themselves beside me for about 20 minutes or so and I'm thinking to myself 'this is a good night!  no t.v.... just good old fashioned entertainment'.  Leo's in his ever-saucer and Ruby's playing music and running around and around Leo in the exer-saucer telling me, "I'm not getting dizzy mommy.  I'm NOT getting dizzy".  Leo's pretty much mesmerised by the activity.  

I leave for 30 seconds to go to the bathroom.  

Before I go, I put all knives well out of reach because Ruby's new favourite pass time is reaching for things on the counter.  

So... all knives and other dangerous items are gone.  It's ok to leave for the bathroom. 

When I get back, this is what I found: 

Leo has red sauce all over his face and he's holding a spoon of Indian curry sauce that his thoughtful sister Ruby mischievously handed to him.  Ruby thinks it's wonderful.  

Good old-fashioned entertainment.  

I wish I had been there to see the hand-off.  I wonder what she was really thinking when she gave him that spoon.  I guess I'll never know.  

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

meaty update

It looks like the new year is starting off slow on the blogging front.  Truth is, I can't figure out what's sucking up all my time (well... other than the two kids, that is).  I do know that day in and day out I can't seem to get anything accomplished.  Here's an example - the laundry basket has been sitting on a table downstairs full of clean, dry and folded towels for two days now.  I pass by it several times a day but my hands are always full of something else, or I'm on my way to do another chore.  Oh... and our dishwasher has been broken for the past two weeks.  It really sucks.  I often joke with friends about being busy doing nothing and that about sums it up.  When we do have the energy to get together with friends socially, (aka no kids) we have fun.  Thanks for the good times friends.  You know who you are.  :)

So... as usual, someone is about to wake up imminently so here's the meaty update: 

Miss Ruby
  • She's growing up daily.  
  • She's getting smarter daily and I can't help but to be so proud of her I want to explode.  
  • Still doesn't like it when I try to put a ponytail or clip in her hair but sometimes I win.  
  • Has turned against using the potty (even for M&M's) and challenges getting her diaper changed.  
  • Wants to get dressed and undressed "all by herself".  
  • Is very affectionate and has started hugging her friends when it's time to go home.  So cute. 
  • Stopped saying the 'naughty word' but sometimes tells people "I don't say ______".
  • I can't figure out if she's getting her 2-year molars because she won't open her mouth to let me see. 
  • Loves, loves, loves playing outside in the snow.  
  • Loves, loves, loves being pulled in her sleigh.  If I can't make it to the gym I know I'll get a workout pulling her around because she won't let me walk.  "Run, Mommy, run!!!!"  
  • Can spell her name!  

Mr. Leo

  • He's still trying to figure out sleep.  The longest stretch we've had is 5 hours straight.  (twice).  
  • He's still a very mellow guy.  The girl who snags him will be very lucky.  
  • Loves watching Ruby do anything at all.  
  • I think he'll be getting teeth soon.  There's A LOT of drool.  
  • Said drool is taking a toll on his cute little face.  It's all rashy around his mouth... poor guy.
  • Loves being tickled.  
  • Has the cutest giggle in town.  
That's about all for now.  
The days are getting longer already so maybe the extra light will energize me or something like that and I'll get to blogging more often.  Or, maybe not.  :)

Later dudes.  

Friday, 4 January 2013

welcome to the year 2013

Life sure is busy with two little people running the show.  Throw in a holiday or two for good measure, tonnes of presents, decorations and a tree in my living room and you might say that it's downright hectic at times.  I've got 90% of the Christmas gear packed up and both little people are napping at the same time so here goes..... 

We had a wonderful Christmas this year.  Ruby was thrilled with the presents and the tree and the decorations.... and the books and the shows and the Frosty and the Santa and...  It was really fun watching her absorb it all.  In her words, "Christmas is ALL done until next year".  
(thank goodness.  shhh.)

Leo is fully on the move now.  He's able to push himself backwards very nicely and also goes around in circles like a pro.  I'm pretty sure he'll be crawling within a month or two.  He's eating well... baby cereal and veggies.  I've tried giving him fruit but he gags and actually vomits with every bite.  It's strange.  

Ryan and I are both making health and wellness a priority this year.  Primarily, I want to be a good example for these kids.  Second, I want to live a long and vibrant life full of adventures in the great outdoors using my two feet and a heartbeat to get me there.  I miss the wilderness so much and I can't wait for our first hiking trip as a family.  I know there'll be many car camping trips and cottage vacations before that happens.  There are several stages of 'readiness' to pass before we can venture off the beaten path.... and I'll be patient.  So, that's why we have to stay in shape!  It could be years..... (it will be years.... but maybe before the kids are ready Ryan and I can sneak off on a trip by ourselves).  There I go daydreaming again.  

So, without further adieu, here's what you're all waiting for - a few pictures from Christmas 2012.  

6 months old!

Christmas morning at home. 
Future pianist.

All smiles on New Years Day.

Before bed on Christmas Eve.

Dancing ballet - Ruby's new favourite thing to do.

My big girl... growing up!

Momma bear and the cubs.

We're in the middle of a cold snap so the adventures today will be indoors.  One monkey is already awake and the next one won't be long, I'm sure.  So... that's it!  Ciao for now.