Wednesday, 9 October 2013

shucks, kids say the darndest things

Things are moving high speed around here.  I'm pleased to announce that Ruby has settled into the routine of going to school each morning and doesn't give us a hard time about it.  For the past two weeks, mornings have been good.  Knock on wood.  (I hate that expression but it fits.  And it rhymes.)

The weather has been amazing so I'm filling the afternoons with as much outdoor activity as possible.
Ruby and I went for a hike together last week.  She was so fast that the pictures are blurred.


Jumping over the tree roots.
Then the three of us hit a market with the best selection of pumpkins.  We found 5 that we loved plus two little ones for them.  As we speak, I don't know where they are.  They've been in the trailer with us, the car, in the house.... Leo even started eating his.

 Ruby likes to procrastinate on her way into the house from the car.  Here she is dancing in the leaves for "just a little while, I promise."

Now I have to mention a few tidbits about Leo so they don't get lost in time.

He went from having only 2 teeth at his birthday to now having 12.  That's 10 teeth in 3 months!  Ouch.

He's eager to start talking and will attempt to repeat any words we throw his way and is thrilled when he gets it right!

He calls Ruby "OO-Bu".   It's adorable.
He can say "mama, dada, gamma, truck, tractor, ice, up, down, egg, oo-bu, Aimee, Eyoit (Elliott), Obin (Robin), Iya (Ryah), gapes, faster.....

Oh!  That reminds me.  When Ruby wants us to push her higher on the swing, she says "faster", so Leo has adopted this term as well.  He wants to go "faster" on his swing too.  One day we were driving out to my parent's place and I took the back road.  I got stuck behind a very old  man driving 40 km/ph the entire way.  I would normally drive 80 or so on this route, but I was patient and didn't really mind actually.  Out of the blue, Leo says "faster".  "faster".   It was hilarious, proving that he really does get the meaning of the word after all.

We were driving behind our friends on the way home from school one day and the kids wanted me to beep the horn at them, so I did.  They wanted it several more times and I tried to decline but majority rules and they won.  I beeped a few more times before our friends went their way and we continued along on ours.   We take the same route home every day from school so as a testament to how observant kids are, now, every time we arrive at the traffic circle (which is where all the beeping took place) Leo says "beep, beep."  Can you believe it?  The kid cracks me up.

I look forward to many more Autumn adventures with my two little buddies.  OH, that reminds me of something else.....

This morning Ruby woke up before Leo (that's a first).  He woke up shortly after so we went in to greet him.  Ruby says, "Good morning my best friend Leo".  She often calls him her little buddy, but best friend I really like.  :)