This Christmas was quite different from every other Christmas before it.
First of all, Ryan and I have a little girl. Ruby is now a walking, talking bundle of energy. Last year she was only 3 months old, nursing every 2 hours, and sleeping 18 or so hours a day.... Wow! We've come a long way baby! Now she sleeps all night long but only naps for 1 and a half hours each day. So... we really wanted to make sure she got her naps in despite all the festivities and family that eagerly wanted to see her. Naps trump visits. Always. That's my rule.
Another difference was - no run. For the past several years, an unofficial family tradition has developed that I really missed this year. Ryan, Matthew and I used to go for a run on Christmas morning.... before all the eating and drinking started. I wonder if Matt went in Calgary? My bet is yes.... putting me to shame.
I could have gone on my own..... but it just didn't work out that way. Besides it was very cold out and I'm getting wimpier every year. Ryan and I did manage to go for a brisk walk before Turkey Dinner.... for that I'm proud of us.
Another difference - we stayed home more. We actually spent more time at home than on the road or at someone else's house. Wait... are we all grown up? Well, if so, I like this new adult version of Christmas. It's more relaxing and conducive to 6 a.m. wake-up calls!
Despite all the differences, Christmas morning in the Grant household started as most other days do.... Ruby playing with my make-up and brushes... losing an eye shadow or two underneath the dresser.
Getting ready for the day! |
The two sets of 'local' grandparents came over Christmas morning to watch Ruby open some presents. We haven't seen our set from 'away' and we miss them! Papa Grant is having a knee replacement surgery next week, so we're not exactly sure when they'll be here. Hurry up and get better... we miss you!
Nana, Poppy, Dada, Ruby, Mama, Grampy and Grandma. |
She loves her blocks. Good choice Mama! |
She's warming up to the horse. Nay! |
It was cute to watch Ruby opening her presents.. or... watching other people open the presents and Ruby stare in amazement.
She got Grampy's hat from the closet and insisted that I wear it. |
The photos stop there folks. I guess we just weren't on the ball. I'll make sure I do better next year and hopefully get a video or two as well.
All in all, it's been a wonderful Christmas. I'm thankful for all the free time I've been given lately. That's the best gift I could ask for... but I didn't ask for it... which makes it even better!!! Thank you helpers! I love you. oxoxooxoxoxox