Thursday, 22 December 2011

it's getting close to Christmas!

It's definitely getting close to Christmas but it certainly doesn't look like it.  We still have zero snow and today it's 4 degrees and raining.  Again, I'm not really complaining..... but a little white stuff would be sorta nice..... for Ruby's sake.  :)

We've been enjoying some extra time with Dada lately.  Ryan took most of this week off and I think Ruby is loving it.  She's learning how to throw a ball!  I'm not sure who's having more fun - Ryan or Ruby?  Mama was out so Ryan dressed her that day......

Yippee!!!  I can throw a ball!!  

In other news, I'm not exactly thrilled to announce this but... I think Ruby has a mullet.
Her hair on the sides of her head aren't growing at the same speed as her bangs and the hair at the back of her head.  I would love to grow her bangs and keep them up in a clip or elastic but our Ruby will have no part of it.  She pulls it out as fast as I get it in and usually gets several hairs along with it.  So.... I've been trimming her bangs every few weeks to keep them out of her eyes.  It looks adorable from the front, but when you look really close..... she's got a hairdo that resembles a 80's Wayne Gretzky mullet.  Sorry... I don't have a close-up picture of it and even if I did I couldn't post it out of respect for my baby.

OK.... well.... tomorrow is Ruby's 15 month birthday and then Christmas Eve and Christmas.
Stay tuned!

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