Sunday, 30 October 2011

back to basics

Ryan's been home for a week now and things are basically back to normal.  Miss Ruby was a little shy when she saw her Dada for the first time, but didn't take long to warm up and move in for the snuggle.  After thinking about it,  I guess it must have been quite the shock for her to see him.  One day he up and goes missing.... then poof he's back.  Complicated stuff for a one-year old I reckon. 

Fun on the swings with Dada.

Speaking of complicated.... my hair dryer died on Friday.  The curly coil things inside turned bright orange and smelled like burnt plastic.  I must have had the thing for over 20 years so I had no idea how complicated choosing a new one would be.  The selection was huge and they all seemed to have their own special feature.  What the hell is "tourmaline ceramic technology"?  I didn't want to spend all day doing this so I narrowed it down pretty fast.  (That's a new mom skill I've acquired recently.  I like it.)  I decided against the ones with a free brush (don't need any more junk in my house) I don't have curly hair so the diffuser isn't a bonus..... anyway, boring, boring, boring.  I got a new one.  1875 watts.  It sounds good and works like a charm.  I realize now that I should have replaced my old one a long time ago!   I guess that sentiment goes for a lot of things and perhaps I should do a little soul searching to see if there's anything else in my life that needs to be replaced or more likely, thrown away.  I've been on a huge clean and purge mission since we moved from Sackville, which was almost exactly two years ago.  We've gotten rid of loads of stuff and it feels great.  Thing is, we still have WAY too much junk!  Our storage room is cram packed full of crap and it stresses me out beyond belief.

Anyway, before I work myself up, I better sign out.  Ruby's still napping so maybe I'll go gather up some old clothes and bag it for the Sally Anne.  I don't want to have anything in storage that we haven't used in the past two years.  Back to the basics. 

P.S.  My new hair dryer has a retractable chord and a handle that folds for easy storage!  Very practical for a space conscious homemaker.
We had a short, impersonal service for the hair dryer.

Saying good-bye. 

Friday, 21 October 2011

is it friday yet?

ok.... so it is Friday technically, but with Ryan away it sure doesn't seem like it.  Not that all Fridays are special, but they are different from other days of the work week, usually.  I think Saturday will seem more like Friday to Ruby and I because Dad'n will be home when we wake up Sunday morning.  I cannot wait to see Ruby's reaction when she sees Ryan.  It's going to be so awesome!  

Aside from it not being Friday-like, Ruby and I had a great day!  Here are some clips:

Reading magazines.

Cleaning out another cupboard... in the kitchen this time.

Evening walk. 

No... I don't want to go home yet Mama. 

Thursday, 20 October 2011


This is what happens when Ruby gets into the bathroom.....

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

quiet times

With Ruby growing up things are definitely changing around here.  Some things are more difficult and some are much easier.  For instance, when I'm home alone with Ruby it's very difficult for me to go to the bathroom.  She wants to come in too and well, it's challenging to say the least. 

Something that's made life a whole lot easier is the fact that I don't have to keep her within sight at all times like I used to.  (This also helps with the bathroom perdicatment).  If we're in the living room and she wanders into the kitchen, I let her go and she usually comes right back, unharmed.  I put a gate at the top of the stairs and she wanders back and forth from our room to hers while I get dressed in the morning.  It's good for both of us, actually.  I think she enjoys the independence and being free to come and go as she pleases. 

This morning... things got unusually quiet all of a sudden.  You could have heard a pin drop. 
This is what I found!  

Emptying the contents of her cupboard. 
It was actually a blessing in disguise.  One entire shelf in that cupboard was jam packed full of receiving blankets which I haven't used since Ruby was about 6 months old.... so now they're in storage and we have a more organized cupboard.   Next time this happens, and I'm sure there will be a next time, it won't take as long to throw everything back in!  

Who me? 

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

happy tuesday

These pics are for you Dad'n, to help you get through the day!  It's Tuesday and we didn't have the best sleep last night, but we're happy anyway.  Missing you and counting the days till you get home:  4 more days plus today... so five.   

Kate (2.5 yrs), Elliott (1 yr) and Aimee (mom) came over in the afternoon.  We love their visits.  It's cool watching Ruby interact with other kids.  When it's just me she's actually pretty talkative but with other kids she's as quiet as a mouse.  Doesn't say much at all but you can tell she's enjoying herself.  I guess she's watching and learning.... trying to figure out the concept of "sharing".  It's amazing how quickly every toy in the house gets taken out, chewed, drulled on, thrown and then forgotten just as quickly.  I've also noticed a phenomenon I call "cup envy".  Whenever another kid has a sippy cup Ruby want's it and won't give up until she gets it. 

Here's a group shot.  Kate's hiding in the corner back there... it's hard to get a good shot of everyone!

Play time. 

Monday, 17 October 2011

so far so good

Monday has come and gone.  Our day began by enduring a 4-hour wait as our winter tires were put on, which I admit had me strolling down grumpy lane for a while.  I think it has more to do with the fact that 4 hours is an insane amount of time to wait for anything much less the swapping of 4 tires.  Perhaps I'm bitter about the fact that this tire ritual means I'm accepting that winter is imminent and inevitable.  Whatever it is I'm over it for now anyway.  (seriously... but let's not mention it again.) 

Because of the long wait, Ruby's scheduled delayed nap was unexpectedly delayed even longer and ended up being cut short by a slamming door (that I inadvertently slammed!)  What next? 

Anyway.... so far so good.  We're managing ok without Dad'n.  There's no need to worry just yet. Thank goodness for Grandma.

So, it appears as though I was wrong about the hat.  Our afternoon photo-shoot was hat-less after about 30 seconds.  

Put the camera away Mama, I see a dog.

See the look of concentration in her eyes?
She's running after a dog.
A BIG Bernese Mountain dog.  She's infactuated with dogs and we (fortunately?) have several of them in our neighborhood that we see daily.  I'd say for a 1-year old, she's got an impressive selection of doggie friends. 
Running after a big dog.

"Hi Dad'n!  We miss and Love you!"
A human friend ran by in the middle of the photo shoot so we got this bonus picture.  It was a lovely sunny afternoon!  I think fall is my new favourite season.  Not because Ruby was born in the fall.... but because it's just so wonderfully... crisp.  And, I love sweaters. 

Sunday, 16 October 2011

we're in trouble now!

Ruby just figured out how to open the door going down to the basement!  This spells Trouble with a capital T. 

flying solo

Dropping Dad'n off at the airport.
Our dada is gone.  He's out of town, far, far away... in Graz, Austria.  It's been less than 24 hours since Ryan left for his business trip and we've had two major struggles in the car seat, blood from a paper cut, one nap and a full night sleep!  I think we'll be just fine for six more days.

This week I'll be posting regularly for Ryan, or Dada as Ruby affectionately calls him.  She's actually graduated to calling him Dad'n recently, which is adorable in her little Ruby voice.  All day she's been blurting out "Dada" and "Dad'n", just pointing out that he's not here.  I know Ruby.  I miss him too.

Ready to go!
The weather is great so we went for our morning walk, as usual.  We saw a couple dogs, one cat and a squirrel and Ruby kept her hat on the entire time!  It was virtually impossible to keep a hat on that child over the summer.  I'm sure the change is simply a  sign of her maturity, intelligence and keen fashion sense.  She is one afterall.  All grown up.  (I honestly think she likes it.)
Digging through a box of old dvd's and books.

It's going to be fun trying to capture every funny moment this week - there are literally dozens every day.

I'll do my best, OK Dad'n? 
Caught in the act. 

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

many thanks

Climbing on a bail of hay.
This Thanksgiving weekend goes down in my books as the warmest and sunniest that I recollect.  That's the first thing I'm thankful for.

It was so nice to get outdoors wearing shorts and t-shirts for one last time before the  l  o  n  g    c o  l   d  winter arrives....

I'm also thankful for turkey dinners.  Our first turkey dinner was in Sackville at Ryan's parent's where we also had a wonderful surprise visit from old friends Andrew, Kathy and their two kids.
We were so busy catching up in fact, that I forgot to take out the camera!  We don't have visual proof of the visit but it sure was nice to see them.  It's been way too long. 

Eluding hornets.
Ruby and I went for a walk in big field where thankfully, we did not get stung by any hornets!  Word has it they have nests in the ground out there.  Phew.  We made it out un-stung. 

The Ginn's and Grant's.
Our second amazing turkey dinner was at my parent's place where we managed to gather the troops for a family photo.  No holiday is quite the same without Matthew and Esther, but we're thankful that they're doing very well in Calgary.  I miss them dearly. 

Ruby in her pretty pink dress.

I have a lot to be thankful for this year, but I am most thankful for Ruby.

Tuesday, 4 October 2011


It's twelve o'clock and I'm sitting in my living room, alone.  Ruby's napping.  All the fans are on to dull the squeaks and creeks of our lovely 60 year-old home as I go about the business of my day.  For the first time in who knows how long, I don't feel like I desperately need a nap too.  Sometimes I'm so tired by 10 a.m. that I contemplate (and often indulge in) more coffee, Nutella on toast, a shower, speed....anything to catch a second wind and get through the morning.  A few times I tried sending Ruby messages telepathically... trying to convince her that she's tired too and a nap would be such a fun way to spend an hour.  It failed miserably.  (I'm just kidding about the speed and must confess that Nutella often gets eaten by the spoonful.) 

Every now and then I go to bed real early to recharge my batteries.  It's not like I pick a night in which to do this, but rather more like the night picks me.  My body has gotten pretty good at telling me when I'm doing too much.  I felt like crap from the moment I woke up yesterday so I went to bed at 9:15 p.m.  Ruby actually slept through the night (which doesn't happen as often as we would like but that's another story) and when she woke up at 5:30 a.m. she magically went back to sleep.  (ya right.  I managed to get her back to sleep with a little TLC and some milk).  THEN.... we all slept in until 8:05 a.m.  I honestly don't think I've slept in past 7:30 a.m. since Ruby was born.  It felt good.  Really good.

So, here I sit.... in a quiet house, listening to the hum of three fans... enjoying a little time alone.  I really appreciate these moments.  They're precious.  But, so is my family, friends and all the things that make life so hectically wonderful.  I'm very happy in life right now... and I've got new batteries.