It's twelve o'clock and I'm sitting in my living room, alone. Ruby's napping. All the fans are on to dull the squeaks and creeks of our lovely 60 year-old home as I go about the business of my day. For the first time in who knows how long, I don't feel like I desperately need a nap too. Sometimes I'm so tired by 10 a.m. that I contemplate (and often indulge in) more coffee, Nutella on toast, a shower, speed....anything to catch a second wind and get through the morning. A few times I tried sending Ruby messages telepathically... trying to convince her that she's tired too and a nap would be such a fun way to spend an hour. It failed miserably. (I'm just kidding about the speed and must confess that Nutella often gets eaten by the spoonful.)
Every now and then I go to bed real early to recharge my batteries. It's not like I pick a night in which to do this, but rather more like the night picks me. My body has gotten pretty good at telling me when I'm doing too much. I felt like crap from the moment I woke up yesterday so I went to bed at 9:15 p.m. Ruby actually slept through the night (which doesn't happen as often as we would like but that's another story) and when she woke up at 5:30 a.m. she magically went back to sleep. (ya right. I managed to get her back to sleep with a little TLC and some milk). THEN.... we all slept in until 8:05 a.m. I honestly don't think I've slept in past 7:30 a.m. since Ruby was born. It felt good. Really good.
So, here I sit.... in a quiet house, listening to the hum of three fans... enjoying a little time alone. I really appreciate these moments. They're precious. But, so is my family, friends and all the things that make life so hectically wonderful. I'm very happy in life right now... and I've got new batteries.
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