Tuesday, 1 November 2011

halloween snow

Much to my dismay, we woke up on Halloween Day to the remnants of our first winter storm.  Ice, slush, frost, many, many leaves and branches strewn about..... and a little bit of snow!  I was excited to take Ruby outside to play in the snow for the first time but the excitement grew thin after 15 minutes of wrestling with snowpants, coats, mitts and hats.  It was quite an ordeal and we were both tuckered out but the fresh, brisk morning air made it worthwhile.  (I can't believe I have to do this every day... all winter long). 

Ruby seemed indifferent about the snow and a little annoyed that it was sticking to her mitts.  She was rather bothered after a few minutes so I had to brush it off.  Hopefully next time we'll have more snow.... the fluffy, unsticky kind.

Taking her out while it's snowing is next on my list of fun winter activities.  I wonder if she'll need snowpants then? 

Later on that day came the kitty-cat costume!  In true Ruby style, she pulled the hood off immediately and the zipper in front came next.  I managed to get a couple shots but she was pretty adamant about not wearing the costume for long.  She kept it on for Grandma and Grampy's visit... then we trekked next door to visit our neighbors who adore Ruby.   Who wouldn't adore this little cutie?


Heading next door sans snowpants. 

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