Saturday, 7 January 2012

we have a toddler

Everyone knows that kids will get into just about everything within their reach.  That's why we go through various levels of 'child proofing' in the rooms of our homes.  We did that.  We put dangerous things away, tied up chords, keep the bathroom door closed at all times (even though it gets frigid in there as a result).  I even sacrificed one of my deep kitchen drawers and filled it with toys (which was a novelty for about 2 hours.  Now it's just a space where I can throw all of the day's the toys in an effort to clean up in a jiffy.)

What seems to be happening now is that Ruby is trying to get into everything just outside of her reach!  She's stepping up on her tippy toes, reaching for things that I thought were off limits.  She's been playing with the little hand-broom and has become fascinated with the crumbs in the toaster (I keep the toaster in a drawer, not on the counter).  Today she started emptying the middle drawer that's filled with glass containers, which I thought were safely out of reach.  Guess not.  

It's officially time to toddler proof the house.  We have a toddler.

Emptying the contents of the bottom drawer.... toaster crumbs now
cover the inside of this drawer.

We took the tree down on January 1st.  Ruby ran around the house with these beads all afternoon... and the next few days.  They have become her new favourite toy.  Who needs presents anyway?  

I LOVE these beads!

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