Now hold on for a second.... if you're thinking "what's the big deal" and "don't be so over dramatic lady", listen up! I need those naps. Ruby needs them more than I do so thankfully, it only lasted two days. She's up there now, snoozing in her crib.... all cute and cuddled up. Every day when I go get her I have an intense urge to jump in there with her! I think she'd love it, but I'm scared I'de break the thing, so restraint keeps me out. Pretty soon we'll be getting her a bigger bed, so I'll be able to get my snuggles then. For now, I'll rely on weekend mornings when I bring her into bed with us for a quick cuddle before she gets too impatient and wants "down".
She's getting very independent and wants to do most things on her own now. Eating with a fork and spoon, brushing her teeth, taking her socks off, jumping in puddles........
We spent about 2 hours outside yesterday jumping in puddles. I brought her to the park but we ended up in the parking lot for the most part. She had a blast. When we got home, she wasn't done so she played in the puddles on our street until she wiped out and got a bloody lip. Ya... her first major spill. I think it hurt me more than it hurt Ruby, but she's sporting the fat lip.

It's looking like Spring is on its way in...... don't we change the clocks this weekend?
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