Tuesday, 26 November 2013

proud moments

Aren't they what life is all about?  The proud moments when you feel so pleased and satisfied and content that life is running along smoothly.  All is good in my world right now.   The dusting of snow we just received seems to have given Miss Ruby a new independent attitude.  She came home from school, told me she was hungry and sat right up in her chair waiting for lunch!  (Those of you who have been around lately know that this is a far cry from a typical mealtime).  

Playing outside in the snow was her mission so after lunch she waited for me to put Leo down for his nap, then appeared in the kitchen with her snow pants on!  They were backwards… but they were on!  She's outside playing by herself right now…. waiting for me but I secretly intend to procrastinate until she's bored or too cold or just wants to come in.  Shhh…. let's keep that between you and I, shall we.  

Another proud moment was yesterday at Ruby's last Ballet class of the season.  She was so beautiful and happy it made my heart swell up with pride.  

My beautiful Ballerina!

A very happy little girl.  

P.S.  I also had a not-so-proud moment today at the gym.  I dropped my iPod into the toilet.  
Santa…. have I been good this year?  



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