Wednesday, 23 July 2014

dear Leo, happy belated birthday my love

It's difficult to put into words just how much we love you, Leo.
I guess putting 'love' into words is just plain difficult so I'll try to capture some of the ways that you brighten my days and make each one special in some way...

You are a great hugger.  I hope you never stop hugging me... even when you're all grown up.  On graduation night, on prom night, after a big game... and in front of your friends.

I love it when you call me 'mom'.

You are a terrific shopping partner.  Sometimes I take you out just to pass time.   I enjoy watching you flirt with the ladies and it gives me pleasure to see how much joy you bring to random strangers with your friendly smile and sweet 'hello'.  Those dimples are going to take you very far young man.

You are almost potty trained.  Keep it up.

You're doing a great job wearing your glasses and I'm so proud of  you.  I know it must be a huge adjustment for someone so small.  I hope you don't get too many Skittles or Smarties as a result.

You are the most polite little young man I have ever come across and I thank you for that.  It makes me feel like I've done something right.

I could go on and on, but last, I want to tell you how much I adore you and look forward to growing up with you by my side.  You're a good friend.

Your second birthday was amazing.  You were, as usual, a perfect gentlemen and everyone had a terrific time.

Happy Birthday my Love.
-oxoxoxox mom.

these pictures are slightly out of order, but here you go….

Just like Dad. 

Helping me water the plants. 

Birthday Fire Truck Driver

His party with Papa and Nanlynn

Happy Canada Day 2014

Cutest bum on the planet. 

Canada Day pool time. 

Loving the sprinkler fun. 

Glasses.  Lollipop.  

First beach weekend of the year.

Friday, 11 July 2014

making progress

I know I said I'd backtrack from now until the beginning of June but something amazing happened today. Ruby went to the Y without any fuss.  She walked in with me, said good morning to everyone and let me go without running behind screaming!  I don't want to jinx anything but I would call this major progress.

Yup, Ruby's growing up fast, but still very much a little girl.  I try to remember that when she's having a freak out.  She knows what a rectangular prism is and that we live in the country Canada, in North America, but she also gets very upset when I flush the toilet for her or try to pee on top of her pee.  That's a no-no in our house.

She completed a full year at Montessori last month and was thrilled about her graduation ceremony.  I think she may have been scolded behind the scenes before the show because she came on stage looking like this…

Thank goodness Ryan managed to capture her true beauty after the diplomas and roses were handed out.

We are so proud of her.

She also participated in her first Ballet Recital last month.  The show was precious and I got it on video.  Unfortunately it's too long for this blog, but here's a picture of her driving home with her rose that we gave her.  Her reaction to being handed a rose was precious. She's definitely a good little dancer and will be continuing Ballet in September.  Which will be here before we know it.  This summer, like all others, is proving to be just as fast.  But, we don't want to think about that just yet.
Let's enjoy this beautiful weather while we can.

As you can see, Ruby's very passionate. 

Good job Ruby!

Monday, 7 July 2014

so June…. where did you go?

Since I've missed so much of June (and really do have a lot to report), how about we start with July and backtrack.

This lovely summer day, July 7th, had a rather sweet beginning.
Ruby quietly entered our room at 6:56 a.m. with her new sneakers on requesting that we go outside for a run so she could test them out.  So, we did!

Matching family shoes. 

Before the big race.

And we're off!

She's fast.  I think the Nike's work.

Leo is in Sackville today so it was an un-hectic morning (no offence Leo).  I was hoping that her good mood would transcend into a perfect farewell.  She started full time daycare at the YMCA last week and drop offs have been difficult.  Today was better than a few days last week, so we're making progress.  I guess that's better than going backwards, which is how I feel sometimes.

On that note…… see ya later!
Stay tuned for more adventures going backwards from now to the first of June.