Friday, 11 July 2014

making progress

I know I said I'd backtrack from now until the beginning of June but something amazing happened today. Ruby went to the Y without any fuss.  She walked in with me, said good morning to everyone and let me go without running behind screaming!  I don't want to jinx anything but I would call this major progress.

Yup, Ruby's growing up fast, but still very much a little girl.  I try to remember that when she's having a freak out.  She knows what a rectangular prism is and that we live in the country Canada, in North America, but she also gets very upset when I flush the toilet for her or try to pee on top of her pee.  That's a no-no in our house.

She completed a full year at Montessori last month and was thrilled about her graduation ceremony.  I think she may have been scolded behind the scenes before the show because she came on stage looking like this…

Thank goodness Ryan managed to capture her true beauty after the diplomas and roses were handed out.

We are so proud of her.

She also participated in her first Ballet Recital last month.  The show was precious and I got it on video.  Unfortunately it's too long for this blog, but here's a picture of her driving home with her rose that we gave her.  Her reaction to being handed a rose was precious. She's definitely a good little dancer and will be continuing Ballet in September.  Which will be here before we know it.  This summer, like all others, is proving to be just as fast.  But, we don't want to think about that just yet.
Let's enjoy this beautiful weather while we can.

As you can see, Ruby's very passionate. 

Good job Ruby!

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