Wednesday, 19 November 2014

the end of an era (in kid time)

Leo is almost 29 months old.  That's 2 years and 5 months.  Today marks his first day as a big boy in full time daycare.  (Technically, he had a prelude at a small, private daycare for 5 days while his spot was cleared at the Y - which was a perfect introduction).  But today it is for real.

It was awesome!  Everyone was excited to get out the door this morning and I only had to stay for about 20 minutes before I made my great escape.  I called a few hours later to see how  he was doing and the report was totally positive.  He was doing great.  No tears.  Just pure curiosity.  He ate all of his lunch except for the mashed potatoes, which is exactly what I would expect.  Neither of my kids likes mashed potatoes.

If today represents an accurate portrayal of what most days will be like….. Hallelujia!!   I like having two kids in daycare!  I had the most amazing welcome when I got there to pick them up.  Nobody tried to run away when we got home.  The television wasn't turned on while I got supper ready.  They ate all their supper (mostly) at the table.  It was like a dream.  Let's see if we can do this again tomorrow, shall we!

This was the scene before leaving for the day.
Brushing teeth on the go… 

I wish I had had my camera out for the amazing greeting when I arrived to get them after work.  The kids had all just come in from playing outside and Ruby was putting on her indoor shoes….. Leo ran up to me and screamed "Mommy!  I had FUN!!!"   I tried to capture his enthusiasm when we got home.  

 Fingers crossed that tomorrow is just as good.

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