Ruby Tuesday (born on a Thursday) went to the clinic yesterday for her pre-school immunization shot. I didn't even mention it to her until about 3 days ago because, to be honest, it could have gone either way. But, this little lady surprised me. From the first mention of it, to going there, waiting in the waiting room, walking to the office, to getting the needle, she was a real trooper. I am completely impressed with my little girl right now. Three hours post needle her arm really started to hurt and she got drowsy, as the nurse said she may. However, some Advil and a warm mom by her side all night and she was back to her sweet self by morning.
As Ruby and I sat in there in the waiting room, a couple of tiny babies came in and I was tossed back in time to when Ruby was little. We used to sing her this silly song…. "her name is Ruby, doodley-doo, …… ". It was silly but we all loved it. Once upon a time, long, long ago… in a land far, far away……. I was planning my very first girl's night out. The thought of my going out for 2 hours and leaving Ryan home alone with Ruby to fend for himself was a bit stressful for both of us at the time (if things were only so simple now - oh the naivety of it all makes me laugh out loud!!!). Anyway, we had this genius idea to make a video of me singing that song, just in case things went ape shit. I think it's on our old computer so (luckily for me) I can't share it now… but man, that was funny.
After bravely taking on the needle, the nurse gave Ruby her choice of stickers. She picked a Strawberry Shortcake one and placed it on her hand. The nurse then asked if she would like one for her best friend. Ruby shyly responded 'yes' and the nurse grabbed a second sticker, exactly like the first one. It was at this moment when my heart skipped a beat and I felt a tiny rush of joy that reminded me of why we had our kids so close together, (because I sometimes think we were totally and utterly in sane.) When the nurse tried to give Ruby the second Strawberry Shortcake sticker for her best friend, Ruby said, "Leo's not a girl, he's a boy."
Here's my little Ruby now, 43.5 pounds and 4 years + 4 months old.
Downtown in awe of the skating rink at City Hall. |
Loving her kitty cat towel. |
Eating snow. Her favourite food. |
Thawing out at the cafe after a sliding trip at Centennial Park. |
Making play dough cupcakes, pre immunization. |
Lovely cupcake. |
After the needle, sticker on hand. |
Silly, sweet Ruby, before the arm started to hurt. |
You're growing up so fast Ruby. We love you to pieces and are so proud of you.
-MOM. oxox
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