Thursday, 23 April 2015

simple pleasures

Simple Pleasures…

Waking up before everyone else and enjoying a hot cup of coffee and magazine in complete silence.  Watching birds frolic at the feeder.  Getting dressed for your day not including socks in the outfit.  Entering a room to find this….

I've always had a difficult time just relaxing and not doing anything at all.  When the sun in out, I feel like I should be outside enjoying the sun… doing something productive.  Especially on a weekend.  When it's snowing, I think I should be outside enjoying the snow… shovelling or making a fort.  I think it's gotten worse since having kids because I want to make sure they're doing something too.  And, let's face it, there's never a shortage of chores on the list. 

Last weekend, the sun was out and I had my usual guilt on about everyone not being out there enjoying the much anticipated warmer weather.  "We should be riding out bikes… going on a hike in the woods… playing at a park" were the thoughts in my head.  Then I turned the corner and found both kids having a fabulous time reading a book with Ryan.  They were captivated and in complete silence.  Ruby, of course, was dressed in princess attire and Leo, our snuggle bug, was cuddled up on Ryan's back.  It was beautiful.

Truth is, the kids don't want to be on the go all the time and reading a book with their dad is doing something.  Looking back, I can remember several instances where I struggled to get the kids dressed and outside to do something or go somewhere.  When it takes 2 hours to convince a child to get ready (and practically gives me a nervous breakdown in the process), I gotta think it's not worth it.  I'll remember that next time.  It may be a challenge but I'm going to go with the flow enjoy not having to be anywhere or do anything at all.  

Hey… you can learn a lot from kids!  
Thanks Ruby and Leo.  
I love you more than a million ice creams!  
Mom  oxox

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