Sunday 16 February 2014

a new era

Remember your first broken heart?  That feeling of sadness and intense emotional pain.  Maybe you even felt physically hurt or broken.  I can't pinpoint the exact moment it happened for me but I know I've been there, many times over.  I'm banking on the fact that our kids are too young to remember this, but I know for a fact that both of them experienced a broken heart on February 15, 2014. 

Many of you won't understand the depth of what happened in our family this weekend, but to those of you who can empathize, let me just say - it was traumatic.  We said goodbye to our soothers.  Forever.  

Day one was comparable to a thousand heart breaks.  Both Ruby and Leo were forced to deal with emotions they had no idea how to handle or what they were for that matter.  Grief.  Loss.  Remorse.  Regret.  It was not only heart breaking for them, but for Ryan and I to be a part of.  I can honestly say it was the most traumatic experience I've ever witnessed.  

But…. we had a fun day in the snow today and night two was 200 times better than the first.  
Fingers crossed.  

Still pretty stormy out at 9:30 this morning!  

Having more fun later in the afternoon.  
Love and Hugs. 

P.S.  Who invented the soother anyway?  What a jerk.