Monday, 25 March 2013

random thoughts and bits

There's a lot going on right now and I don't feel that I have the wherewithal to put it together in a decent blog entry, so here are some random thoughts and bits about what's going on now.  It'll be interesting for Ruby and Leo to look back on this some day and see what they were doing.... (and what they were doing to me!)

Ruby basically can't be trusted in a room alone with her brother.  She says she loves him and is sweet at times but she also seems to enjoy hitting, pushing, slugging and knocking him down whenever she can.  

Leo has a cold right now and wants me in his room with him every 45 minutes.  He's ok during the day but as soon as the night falls he gets more needy.  I suppose it isn't a far cry from every other night.  So, whatever.  

Ruby knows exactly when her bowels and bladder are moving but refuses to use the potty.  She rather enjoys going into a corner or small space to do her business.  She tells me to "leave her alone", covers her eyes and goes.  Again... whatever.   The fighting to take her to the potty and change her soiled diapers is getting very old with me and I'm quite discontent with the entire thing. 

Leo has started to blow bubbles while I feed him.  It's gotten to the point where I actually have to remove my clothing and put on an apron for meals.  I'm not kidding.  It's ridiculous.  Please don't come to the house at 7 a.m., 12 noon or 5 p.m.  

Ruby's hair is still an issue.  She has bangs but that hasn't solved the problem.  I can't understand why she hates hair clips and elastics so much but she's lost a lot of hair by pulling them out.
She may have a buzz cut one day.   

Leo can walk alone holding only one hand for support!

Ruby can remove her sleeping bag and get out of her crib all by herself!  She loves to do it and usually scares the crap out of me after her nap by showing up completely unexpected.  

Leo has officially slept for 20 consecutive minutes without standing up in his crib!  

Ruby has been sleeping since 7:30 p.m.  

I am going downstairs now to chat with my hubby before we retire to bed... probably within the hour.  

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