I apologize in advance for my choice in terminology, but this Easter weekend marks the snottiest few days we've experienced as a family to date. The snot levels reached a peak today and I'm hoping the worst is behind us. The next few hours will be telling. I got Leo down to sleep minutes ago and Ryan is just coming down from Ruby's room.
So far so good.
I guess it started about a week ago. I got it first, then Leo. Ruby was next. Ryan has escaped, so far. Just as we were making head-way with Leo's sleeping situation at night.... he's back to waking up very sporadically all night long. Poor guy is coughing and all stuffed up. He really can't fall back asleep on his own. This morning there was so much dried snot on his face that I gave him a bath after breakfast. Poor, poor little Leo. Aside from the cold, he's doing great! His personality is developing and I think he'll be giving Miss Ruby some competition in the drama queen department. He's got spunk, that's for sure.
Despite the cold temperatures and the colds in general, we had a lovely Easter Weekend.
Friday, we enjoyed a lovely walk in the park across the street.
On Saturday morning we painted eggs before heading out to Sackville. Not only did we dye the eggs, we literally painted them too! It was so much fun. Ruby has been painting every morning since. Painting paper, colouring books, wooden toys.... the kitchen table and chairs.
The egg hunt on Easter morning was so much more fun this year than last year! I'm not sure who loved it more, Ryan and I or Ruby. I can't wait until next year when Leo can get in on the action too.
Sunday afternoon we headed to my parents house for another delicious meal and gathering. Leo had is way with my mom's front window (not sure if she has discovered the mess yet... but she will!).
The sun came out Sunday afternoon and it was actually quite warm. We were outside for a bit without coats. Ruby and I had a picnic lunch on our front steps before nap. It's so nice to get outside with less clothing on. Spring? Are you here?
Happy Easter to all... and to all a good night.
P.S. Here's Leo's latest trick:
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