Monday 25 May 2015

forty seven weeks

Forty seven weeks.  This is how long Ruby wants to stay at Grandma and Grampy's house…. until our new house is ready.  Both kids stayed in Lower Coverdale on Friday night for a special treat and it was the next day that she decided to boycott Sackville.  I have a feeling it was my parent's innocent drive past our old house with the kids that triggered this abrupt change of heart.  She wasn't ready and probably never will be.  

It's heartbreaking to think about Ruby in turmoil.  I spoke to the folks at daycare today and they reported she's not herself there either.  

Just three more weeks everyone.  Hang in there!  

Love and hugs, 
Mom oxoxox

Miss Ruby.

Leo in the hammock - his new passion.

Some pretty flowers from our walk.  

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