Thursday 1 March 2012

day 5

Sorry... I missed day 4.
I was exhausted when Ruby finally got to bed..... I was curled up in my own bed by 9 p.m.

OK.... so day 5, (like days 2 through 4), begins at 8 a.m.  It's going to be an adjustment getting up earlier once Daddy gets home.  This sleeping in business is quite amazing.  Just us two lazy girls.... drifting in and out of sleep for an hour before finally deciding to get up.  What a great way to start the day.... no schedule to follow.... no alarm....  it's wonderful!  But all good things must come to an end I suppose.  Actually, if we stay in bed any longer in the morning, the mid-day nap will get screwed up..... so, I've set the limit to 8 a.m. for morning sleep-in.  It'll do.

You've seen pictures before of Ruby and her fetish with putting things on her head.  Hats... blankets.... whatever she can find to amuse herself.  Well this morning she took the trophy.  She waltzed into the room with a pair of my underwear on her head, grinning ear to ear!  I almost peed my pants.

Have a great day Ryan!  We'll see you in approximately 48 hours......

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