Sunday 25 March 2012

temporary bliss

The heatwave didn't last.  By Friday we were back to below zero temperatures but three days of +28 sure was nice.  Ruby and I played outside a LOT!  She got a few scrapes and scratches on her knees, but no blood was shed thank goodness.

Getting used to her new wheels.  Thanks Grandma and Grampy!

Stopping for a second to say "hi" to her biggest fan (me).

Pretty girl.  
We took the bike all the way down to our local McDonald's and Ruby had her very first taste of ice cream! It was cute watching her try to figure out what to do with her mouth.  Next time I'll bring the camera and wait for Daddy so he can join us.  He really missed out on this 'first' and I felt bad about that.  But, it's not my fault he has to go to work every day.  Or, is it??  Hm.... ?

Thanks to the warm weather, she's also discovered dirt in the garden and is having quite a time with that.  I'm definitely going to have my work cut out for me this summer if I don't want mulch and dirt all over the steps and inside the house.  Oh boy...

Look Mommy.  

It didn't last long but sure was a nice taste of what we can all look forward to this summer.  Warm weather just makes everything better.  Can't wait.  Cannot wait!!!!!!!!

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