Sunday 26 February 2012

day 2

Today was great!  We had fun.  Ruby decided to share her snack with Elmo, which is something she's never done before.

After supper we went outside for a walk.... up and down the street.... up and down people's driveways..... in puddles..... picking up ice rocks..... She didn't want to come in.  We were out there for 30 minutes and I had to pick her up and lug her home, kicking.

While outside, I noticed that it was still very bright after 6 p.m.  Did the time change on me?  Don't think so.... but the days certainly are getting longer.  SO happy about that.  Going outside after supper is a wonderful way to end the day.  Can't wait to ditch the stupid snow pants and mitts.  Grrr... they really do suck.

On that note, I'm off to the basement for my first in-home cardio experience.  :)  Then, it's Oscar night.  (I hope I manage to stay up for at least an hour.)

Nighty night.  :)

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