Saturday 25 February 2012

night 1

Greetings.  Ryan's gone to Graz and made me promise to keep him posted with daily blog posts.
We dropped him off at the airport at 3:20 p.m., made one pit-stop on the way home and then.....

The last three hours of the day seemed to last forever.  By six o'clock we were already in the bathtub!  Yes, me too.  I haven't jumped in with Ruby in a while but I needed a break.  Unfortunately, the luke warm, 4" deep water was less relaxing than I had imagined, but Ruby loved it.  She really enjoys bath time.

Cleaning the tub surround.  

Making a crazy looking face.  :)

I envision many baths this week.  Maybe I'll even get one.... after hours, with dim lights and candles.  Oh... who am I kidding?  Way too much effort for the return on investment.  I'll just lie on the couch with a heating pad under my back.  That's relaxing and as much effort as I'm able to put in these days.  This new baby is kicking my butt.  (And making my butt very fat and lazy..... which is why it's getting fat I suppose).


I wonder what tomorrow will bring?

Hope you had a safe and relaxing flight Ryan.  We miss you already.  oxoxoxoxo

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