Sunday 19 February 2012

bla, bla, bla...

There's nothing really exciting to report today but I feel that I should write something.  

Here's a video taken last night.  She's talking a lot of gibberish lately and she's also making some sense!

Earlier this week, Ruby managed to get ahold of my wallet.  Here she is examining the contents:

Hmm.  What fun!  

These are interesting.

No Mommy!  I need them!  

Later in the week I found another card in the bottom drawer of the oven.  Maybe someday I'll find a twenty hiding in there..... to make my day during the hectic supper rush!

I'm actually sitting here right now wondering where Ryan and Ruby are!  They went for a trip on their own to visit Nana and Poppy in Sackville.  I was expecting them home 15 minutes ago!  It's so funny.... I really love these rare moments alone, but the house is so empty and quiet..... eerie almost.  I've decided that I don't like it.  And besides that, I miss them.  They're my buddies.  I spend 12 hours a day with that little girl and basically, 12 hours a day with Ryan (if you include sleep).  It's strange to be alone after all that "together" time.

Oh!  Gotta go!  They're home!

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